Ouroboros Meaning The Ghost Serpent Spiritual Symbolism

Psychic Medium Ian Scott


Ouroboros Spiritual Meaning
Ouroboros Meaning

Ouroboros Spiritual Meaning

Ouroboros the ghost serpent alchemical text the stem of life death and rebirth. Pronounced oo-ruh-bo-ruhs, the Ouroboros symbol is one of the oldest of all symbols.

An Egyptian symbol. Its first appearance was found in Egypt in the tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1323 BCE. But found all over the world in various designs and slightly differentiating meanings.

The Ouroboros or Uroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its tail. The word Ouroboros comes from the Greek meaning “devouring its own tail” The mathematical symbol for infinity is widely believed to have derived from a version of Ouroboros, with the serpent snake looped once before consuming its own tail.

“The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow. The mystical Ouroboros represents the cycle of nature and the universe itself. Life, death, rebirth and renewal. Where the end is the beginning a symbol of immortality.

“This ‘feedback’ process is at the same time a symbol of immortality since it is said of the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself.”

Carl Jung

Ouroboros Symbolism

The eternal cycle of life death and rebirth. Within the art of alchemy, the grounding message of the Ouroboros is the changing of one thing into another, ultimately yielding “All is One.” A symbol for Mercurius and the union of opposites.

The mystical Ouroboros symbolizes the indistinguishable and eternal flow of sulphur and mercury into one another. The permanent fusion of the two creates the Philosopher’s Stone.

The reason behind creating the philosopher’s stone, other than to turn base metals into gold, is to make the elixir of life.  The elixir is a distilled substance in which the alchemist extracts pure life energy, from the soul itself.  This elixir of life can supposedly be consumed to regenerate the body, mind and spirit.

Ouroboros is similar to the symbol of Yin-Yang with the duality of opposite sides existing in harmony. the union of the two opposites, light and darkness, produces creative energy. Ouroboros is a purifying symbol, preparing a spiritual path for release, liberation, and the unification of the conscious and unconscious realms.

An ancient mythological protection spirit for shamans, astral travelling to learn secrets and mysteries. Worn as an amulet or ring ouroboros protects the wearer from harmful occult energies. A significant charm to have scribed on a candle and lit for protection. © Psychic Medium Ian Scott

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