Cat Spirit Animal Totem Spiritual Meaning

Psychic Medium Ian Scott

cat totem animal
cat totem animal

Cat Animal Spirit Symbolism

Protectors of humans against malevolent and mischievous spirits, ESP, Clairvoyance, Intuition, and psychic ability, Remote viewers and masters of telepathy, used by witches and wizards as their familiars for this very reason. Make no mistake your cat can hear you and understand whether you talk out loud or not. Emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Love, good luck, and affection for the soul.

Cat Spiritual Meaning

The astral world is the cat’s playground spending most of its time there. Cats are extremely well-versed in the natural laws of magic. Understanding the complexities of the seasons, moon, and sun. Cat animal spirits with strong past life connections to their owners will follow them into the spirit if they shall pass. Making the commitment “lifelong” means something else entirely.

If you have had a cat pass over into the world of spirits and he or she visits you after the fact in a ghostly form it’s a positive sign that the cat is your animal spirit guide. And will most probably wait for you to enter the spirit world so that he or she does not lose track of you.

Cat animal spirits are experts in the healing arts, Reiki masters if you like. When a cat curls up on your lap it is your time for spiritual and emotional healing. Knowing and believing in the power of the cat with all her psychic and healing abilities will make the healing even stronger.

From Earth to astral,
I will protect you.
Look after you
and keep you from danger.
This is my gift to you
when I pass to the world of spirit.
I am your Cat animal totem.

Cats are the spiritual embodiment of reincarnation and soul growth, a cat’s main goal while here on earth is to advance herself spiritually. Reaching old and mature soul status before many humans even think about growing or advancing. Cat owners are predominately older souls with some spiritual wisdom of their own.

Cat animal spirits have a divine work they perform, for when a family cat passes over he or she will go about collecting the family together on the other side. Passed-over grandparents, uncles, aunties and the like will be gathered around in spirit to connect them to the ones still alive. Making spirit guides of grandparents, sisters, and brothers.

Another unique magical ability of the cat animal spirit is they send warnings from the spirit. In your travels, if you ever just randomly think of your cat which has passed it is a sign you’re in danger and to proceed with caution. Especially if you’re driving a motor vehicle.

Cat Metaphysical Meaning

If you find a cat’s whisker burn it mixed with patchouli and lavender to cast a powerful manifestation spell. If you find a cat’s claws gather them until you have 7 and then bury them in the cat’s favourite sitting place outside. This brings good luck to the house yard and its occupants.

Black Cat Symbolic Meaning

The black cat has long been an unwarranted, unwanted symbol of superstition. The black cat animal spirit guide is indeed a special one, their unique kind of protection is directed toward psychic attacks and physical harm. A black cat animal spirit will protect his or her owner in the astral world psychically while they sleep.

The black cat animal totem will also protect the dwelling in which it stays from stray ghosts, spirits, and people wanting to cause harm. Often when the black cat sleeps it is protecting the house and occupants from the astral world by walking the perimeters. Hence the term temple cat protectors of the house. © as channelled by psychic medium Ian Scott. 

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